MSc Statistics


An entrance condition to the consecutive Master in Statistics program is a university degree (Hochschulabschluss) with quantitative focus, as, for example, in economics, social sciences, industrial engineering, mathematics, including financial and business economics or physics. In particular, a minimum of 30 credit points (ECTS) have to be aquired in mathematics (analysis and linear algebra), theory of probability, statistics, econometrics or in comparable training during your undergraduate studies (Erststudiums). This is mandatory requirement in the admission process. Another mandatory requirement is German and English language knowledge (both at least on level B1). Details are governed by the the program specific admission rules:

The application phase for the Winter Semester 2021/22 now starts on June ???nd, 2021 and ends on July??th. Please refer to the “Academic calendars and deadlines” page of the HU.

Applications are processed exclusively by the admission office (Studierendenservice) at HU-Berlin. Futher information about required documents (transcripts etc.) is availiable on their websites. Questions concerning the admissions process should be directed at the Studierendenservice.

Once accepted, applicants can then choose to matriculate at the HU, the FU or the TU. The allocation takes place on the basis of internal distribution and individual desires. For this purpose please indicate at time of application, if you have a preference to matriculate at a certain university. Note that the general entrance and permission statute of the HU (Fächerübergreifende Satzung zur Regelung von Zulassung, Studium und Prüfung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ZSP-HU), german) is valid no matter which university is chosen.

Please note that the information provided on this website is of purely informative nature. Binding information and further information concerning the application procedure for foreign students can be found on the website of the Studienbüro.