General information on exams (Modulabschlussprüfungen, MAPs) at the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development (Gräb, Frost, Öhlmann) can be found here.
Winter term 2021/22
- Ringvorlesung: Religion and sustainable development in the digital age – before, during and after the corona crisis
- Blockseminar: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Religion: Politik und Praxis (Philipp Öhlmann, Marie-Luise Frost, Thomas Lawo)
- Übung: Religion and Sustainable Development. Empirical Research Seminar in Cooperation with University of Pretoria. (Philipp Öhlmann, Marie-Luise Frost)
Sommer term 2021
- Seminar: Religion and Development in Global History (Philipp Öhlmann, Martin Lutz)
- Übung: Religion and Education in the Middle East (Ekkardt Sonntag)
Winter term 2020/21
Summer term 2020
Winter term 2019/20
Summer term 2019
Winter term 2018/19
Summer term 2018
Winter term 2017/18
Summer term 2017
- Empirische Forschungswerkstatt (Q-Team) zum Thema Religion – Migration – Entwicklung
(Marie-Luise Frost, Wilhelm Gräb)