Dr. Philipp Öhlmann
Head of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development, Associated Senior Researcher at the Center for Rural Development
Philipp Öhlmann (born 1984) is co-founder and head of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development. Since 2022, he is Feodor Lynen Research Fellow in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at University of Botswana.
Philipp received his doctoral degree in Diaconal Studies from Heidelberg University and holds a master's in Agricultural Economics from Humboldt University Berlin. He is the founding executive editor of the journal Religion & Development and editor of the book series Studies on Religion and Culture. Prior to his academic career, Philipp worked as a programme officer at the development agency Brot für die Welt.
Research foci: religion and economics, sustainable development and ecology; social work; development policy and cooperation, religion in Africa, freedom of religion and belief, Southern Africa.
Curriculum Vitae
- 2022- Visiting Scholar & Feodor Lynen Research Fellow, Deaprtment of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana
- 2017- Head of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development
- 2017- Research Associate, Faculy of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- 2016 Visiting Researcher, Department of Agricultural Economics and Animal Production, University of Limpopo, South Africa
- 2016-2019 Guest Researcher at RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research
- 2015- Fellow in the doctoral programme "Religion-Knowledge-Discourse", HU Berlin
- 2015-2016 Lead Researcher, Project „Are African Initiated Churches Adequate Partners for Future Development Cooperation?“
- 2013-2017 Desk Officer at Bread for the World - Protestant Development Service, responsible for inter-church cooperation.
- 2005-2012 Student of Agricultural Economics, Development Studies, History, Economics, and Protestant Theology in Berlin, Marburg and Buenos Aires
- 2004-2005 Community Service in South Africa
Edited Volumes
Religion in Motion. Rethinking Religion, Knowledge and Discourse in a Globalizing World (edited with Julian Hensold, Jordan Kynes, Vanessa Rau, Rosa Schinagl & Adela Taleb). Cham: Springer Nature. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41388-0.
African Initiated Christianity and the Decolonisation of Development. Sustainable Development in Pentecostal and Independent Churches (edited with Wilhelm Gräb & Marie-Luise Frost). London: Routledge. 2020. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780367823825. Available in open access!
Journal Articles
“Religion and Environment: Exploring the Ecological Turn in Religious Traditions, the Religion and Development Debate and Beyond” (with Ignatius Swart). Religion & Theology 29, 292–321. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1163/15743012-bja10044.
“South African Youth and the Labour Market.” Youth 2, 441–456. 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth2040032.
“A New Journal for a New Space: Introducing Religion & Development” (with Olufunke Adeboye, Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Barbara Bompani, Nadine Bowers-Du Toit, Jennifer Philippa Eggert, Marie-Luise Frost, Wilhelm Gräb, Juliane Stork, Ignatius Swart, Tanya van Wyk & Olivia Wilkinson). Religion & Development 1 (1), 1-24. 2022. https://doi.org/10.30965/27507955-20220001.
“Religion und Entwicklung: Die Herausforderungen staatlicher Entwicklungspolitik in der Zusammenarbeit mit religiösen Gemeinschaften“ (with Wilhelm Gräb). Diakoniewissenschaft in Forschung und Lehre 47, 88–94. 2022. https://doi.org/10.11588/dwijb.2022.47.86471.
“Religion und Entwicklung. Studien zum afrikanisch-initiierten Christentum und wirtschaftlichen Effekten von Religion.“ Diakoniewissenschaft in Forschung und Lehre 47, 183–187. 2022. https://doi.org/10.11588/dwijb.2022.47.86482.
“Religion and Labor Market Performance: Is It What You Believe or How Much?” Religions 12 (2), 102. 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12020102.
“Religiosity and Household Income in Sekhukhune” (with Silke Hüttel). Development Southern Africa 35, 179–193. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2018.1426444.
“African Initiated Churches’ Potential as Development Actors” (with Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). HTS Theological Studies 72. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v72i4.3825.
Book Chapters
“The South-African German Research Hub on Religion and Sustainability (SAGRaS): An Inter-Contextual Initiative for Transdisciplinary Research on the Role of Religion for Ecological Sustainability” (with Juliane Stork, Jacques Beukes, Ignatius Swart & Tanya van Wyk). In: Daniel Beros, Eale Bosela, Lesmore Ezechiel, Kambale Kahongya, Ruomin Liu, Grace Moon, Marisa Strizzi & Dietrich Werner (eds.). International Handbook on Creation Care and Eco-Diakonia. Concepts and Perspectives from the Churches of the Global South. Oxford: Regnum, 775-782. 2022.
“Introduction: African Initiated Christianity and Sustainable Development” (with Wilhelm Gräb & Marie-Luise Frost). In: Philipp Öhlmann et al. (eds.). African Initiated Christianity and the Decolonisation of Development. Sustainable Development in Pentecostal and Independent Churches. London: Routledge, 1–30. 2020.
“Introduction” (with Julian Hensold, Jordan Kynes, Vanessa Rau, Rosa Schinagl & Adela Taleb). In: Hensold et al. (eds.). Religion in Motion. Rethinking Religion, Knowledge and Discourse in a Globalizing World. Cham: Springer Nature, 1–12. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41388-0_1.
“Religion and Sustainable Development: The ‘Secular Distinction’ in Development Policy and its Implication for Development Cooperation with Religious Communities” (with Stefan Hunglinger, Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). In: Julian Hensold et al. (eds.). Religion in Motion. Rethinking Religion, Knowledge and Discourse in a Globalizing World. Cham: Springer Nature, 119–137. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41388-0_8.
“You Need to Change the Whole Person – African Initiated Churches and Sustainable Development” (mit Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). In: Andreas Heuser & Jens Köhrsen (eds.). Does Religion Make a Difference? Religious NGOs in International Development. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 305–326. 2020. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748907633-305.
“African Initiated Churches als Akteure nachhaltiger Entwicklung” (with Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). In: Roland Herpich & Patrick Schnabel (Hrsg.). Globalisierung. EineWelt. Die Verantwortung von Kirche und Religion für die Zukunft. Berlin: Wichern, 135–161. 2019.
“Avoiding ‘White Elephants’ – Fruitful Development Cooperation from the Perspective of African Initiated Churches in South Africa and Beyond” (with Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). In: Babatunde Adedibu & Benson Igboin (Hrsg.). The Changing Faces of African Pentecostalism. Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria: Adekunle Ajasin University Press, 103–118. 2018.
Discussion Papers and Reports
“The Reasons for Return of Internally Displaced Christians to Baghdeda” (with Nora Monzer). Discussion Paper 04/2022 of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Religious Communities as Actors for Ecological Sustainability in Southern Africa and Beyond. Report (with Juliane Stork). Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development. Berlin: Humboldt‑Universität zu Berlin. 2021. https://doi.org/10.18452/23587.
Potentials of Cooperation with African Initiated Churches for Sustainable Development. Research Results and Policy Recommendations for German Development Policy (with Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 2021. https://doi.org/10.18452/22892 .
Potenziale der Zusammenarbeit mit African Initiated Churches für nachhaltige Entwicklung Ergebniszusammenfassung des Forschungsprojekts und Handlungsempfehlungen für die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik (with Marie-Luise Frost & Wilhelm Gräb). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 2019.
Sind African Initiated Churches geeignete Partner für zukünftige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit? Wissenschaftliches Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (with Marie-Luise Frost, Wilhelm Gräb & Rolf Schieder). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 2016.
Policy Papers
“Religion in the Pandemic: Reflections on the Central Event in Memory of the Victims of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implications for Development Policy” (with Wilhelm Gräb & Marie-Luise Frost). Policy Brief of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development 03/2021.
“Religion in Zeiten der Pandemie: Reflexionen zum staatlichen Gedenkakt für die Verstorbenen in der Pandemie und dessen Implikationen für die Entwicklungspolitik” (with Wilhelm Gräb & Marie-Luise Frost). Kurzstellungnahme des Forschungsbereichs Religiöse Gemeinschaften und nachhaltige Entwicklung 03/2021.
“Pope Francis’ Historic Visit to Iraq: Its Significance for the Christian Minority, Religious Diversity and Reconstruction” (with Serri Mahmood, Nora Monzer & Ekkardt Sonntag). Policy Brief of the Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development 02/2021.
Recent Presentations
"Academic Publishing". Keynote-Vortrag, Post Graduate Workshop, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Oktober 2022.
"A Novel Conceptual Framework for the Study of Religion and Development" Vortrag auf der Sommerschule des Internationalen Graduiertenkollegs "Transformative Religion", University of the Western Cape, September 2022.
"Religion and Environment" (mit Ignatius Swart), Oxford/Berlin Workshop on Christian-Muslim Dialogue on Ecology and Socio-Environmental Justice, Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Oxford, Juni 2022.
"Religion and Development" (mit Tanya van Wyk). Gastvortrag im Rahmen des MPhil Programme in Development Practice, University of Pretoria, Mai 2022.
Media Articles
"Stark im Einsatz gegen die Armut." welt-sichten 10/2021, 21-23.
Interviews and Panel Discussions
“Hinlaufen, Daten abgreifen, wieder abhauen”. Interview, Welt-Sichten 09/2022, 11.08.2022.
. Interview in der Reihe Klima-Gespräche auf rbbKultur, 14.09.2021.
"Zu Unrecht vernachlässigte Partner". Interview für welt-sichten 09/2020, 05.08.2020.